
Sunday morning, 11 AM, Konstanz. Daniel complains because he wants to do a long-distance-trip. Antonia explains for the 11th million time that she does find long-distance travels ecologically incorrect.

Daniel:  But visiting Matze (Antonias favourite buddy of the study period) in Yogya?

Antonia: Yeah, but only if we go by bike.

Laughing, hoot, … then: silence.

Not a bad idea.

Yes, no, maybe – really?

Half a year and a lot of deep discussions later: Antonia and Daniel stand in a forest on the Balkans and Antonia says:  “Okay, let´s do it!”.

The historical moment is recorded:

Die Entscheidung fiel im Bulgarischen Gebirge Rila.

The decision in the Rila mountains.


Start is 1st of April 2017. Google Maps shows you the details of our planned route.

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Why a tandem? Seen on a long-term scale Antonia benefits from the bike career of Daniel. She does not want to be constantly 2 days after the schedule of Daniel and likes the idea of a human E-drive. She is also dreaming of a backrest for her saddle – legs up and enjoying the views while Daniel is pushing over the next 5000 meter mountain pass – but maybe that will be a dream forever.

Erste Versuche auf dem Tandem

Erste Versuche auf dem Tandem